Hi! I'm Francisco Demontiê dos Santos Junior, and I'm a Master in Computer Science, graduated at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Currently I work as a Backend Software Engineer at Uber.
In this site I present some professional information about me. You can contact contact me through any of my social networks listed in the contact section.
Federal University of Campina Grande
Federal University of Minas Gerais
One of the first Software Engineers at the São Paulo office. Worked as a tech lead on the Safety team, designing and implementing services to monitor user content globally for potential incidents by using NLP models and keyword lists. Also worked on the Insurance team, implementing web applications to ingest and validate reports from all over the world.
Working with: Go, Fx, Kafka, JavaScript, React, GraphQL.
Software Engineer at the São Paulo office working on the development and maintenance of systems to support operations for the Brazil and Mexico retail website. Worked on the major category expansion to enable selling of taxable goods.
Working with: Java, Spring, DynamoDB, Redshift, S3, Lambda, SQS, SNS.
Software Enginnering Intern at the Belo Horizonte office. Developed, end-to-end, a BMI Calculator on the search page. Also worked on a data mining project (using a framework similar to MapReduce).
Working with: C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML.
Software Engineer in the Pulsar OpenStack project in association to HP R&D (Porto Alegre - RS). Worked collaborating with OpenStack, an open source software used to configure and operate cloud computing and storage infrastructure. The OpenStack community has more than 16.000 people over the world.
Working with: Python, SQLAlchemy, Bash Script.
An emerging paradigm of access control that has been inspired by the success of social network systems is that of Relationship-Based Access Control (ReBAC). Unlike classical access control models, such as Role-Based Access Control, ReBAC offers natural support for parameterized roles and trust delegation. This project is a part of an ongoing effort to develop software support for developers who would be interested in deploying ReBAC protection mechanisms in their own projects. The scope of the project included the design of foundational data structures and algorithms that support and enhance the application of ReBAC, the implementation of these technologies in the context of an open-source development project.
Working with: Java, Maven.